Sunday, August 17, 2014

How To Make Money In World Ventures

By Ricardo Interpermian

World Ventures representatives: Are you seeking to become a top earner? If so, keep reading.

If you wish to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family.

You absolutely need to learn the #1 skill of all top earners: marketing to massive numbers of people at a time.

Here are 3 strategies 7-figure income earners use to build network marketing empires today:

- Invest Your Time Skillfully

To be successful in World Ventures, you must understand time is your most vital commodity. People with jobs get paid even if they are not productive during that week.

Entrepreneurs earn income to the degree they productively invest time, energy and resources to create results. If you want to be successful in World Ventures, you've got to manage your time properly.

Schedule your time in advance. Schedule your World Ventures business tasks in advance. When you sit down to work, you must know what to get done, so you can start immediately.

Prioritize the activities that bring in revenue. Closing, creating marketing pieces and generating leads are critical. Avoid distraction. While you are working, never attend to emails or phone calls.

begin your work time with the most critical tasks. Tasks that create the most income for your World Ventures business are the things to do first. Clarify what each hour of time is worth to your business. Divide your target weekly earnings by the number of hours you want to work your business. This is how much your time is worth.

Your time might be worth $150 per hour. Can you pay someone to clean your house and do other errands for less than this amount per hour? If so, then why are you doing them? Outsource low level tasks.

- Promote Your Business On Facebook Properly

Facebook is on track to be the first social network in human history to have a billion active users. Only India and Indonesia have more people in their country than Facebook has users!

Adults make up a large percentage of Facebook users. More than half of all Facebook users are adults. Here's how to promote World Ventures on Facebook:

- Create a fan page for your business. A business fan page gives you more options than a regular personal account page. - Use your fan page to host content you create that instructs other network marketers on business-building tactics and strategies.

- Create leads for your World Ventures business on your fan page. On your fan page, offer a free report or video training series in exchange for people who like your fan page and volunteer their contact information.

- Use a blog and Facebook together. Publish great content on your blog. Put a Facebook comment box below each blog post. These comments will appear on the Facebook accounts of the people who made the comment. This is viral marketing that others can see and some will visit your blog as a result. This creates traffic to your blog.

- Advertise your fan page with Facebook classified ads. These ads can be VERY profitable. There are examples of network marketers who generate more than fifty leads every day from Facebook advertising.

Spamming is absolutely the wrong way to use Facebook. Never attempt to stick something on someone's Facebook wall that is a promotion for your World Ventures business. Do NOT contact people you don't know on Facebook and promote your World Ventures business to them.

- Generate Leads

Make a listing of leads on the World Wide Web. Don't just make a list of people you already know. The leads you attract online will sign up into your World Ventures business more frequently than leads you buy.

You'll always have World Ventures leads when you generate them yourself. Use the simple but effective way to generate your own leads: In exchange for the prospect's contact information such as name and email, give away a free training bonus.

Specifically, create a totally free training that reveals to other network marketers how to solve a vital business problem. Topics you might teach are how to sponsor more reps, how to retain people, mindset, etc.

Deliver your free bonus training as a video, audio recording, PDF report or some other online format. Your blog or other website should offer this training in exchange for the prospect's name and email.

As soon as the prospect offers these details, he/she becomes a lead for your World Ventures business. Your next step is to develop a relationship with your prospects and eventually introduce them to your World Ventures business.

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