Saturday, November 15, 2014

What You Need To Know About Stoles For Graduation

By Christa Jarvis

Graduation stoles are an important piece of cloth that is worn together with a gown and cap regalia by students on their graduation day. During such an event, the stole conveys a strong message. Their color, for instance, implies belonging to a certain organization in school, regardless of fraternity, origin, ethnic and cultural heritage and much more. In addition, they symbolize power and honor among the graduates. It is due to their usefulness that this article provides you with insights on stoles for graduation.

To begin with, it is worth noting the importance of this graduation robe. The robes worn on graduating day symbolize honor and power and are traditionally worn to set the achievers apart from the others. This may also be done according to the degree of achievement. Although the practice of using stoles dates back many centuries ago, the things that the robes stand for remains the same to date.

However, the sash may be customized by the student with embroidery or prints, so as to reveal the accomplishments achieved in school. For example, this may be through including the department, graduation year or the specific organization the graduate belongs to. Nevertheless, not all institutions permit the graduate to customize the item. Some institutions have limitations on such personalized undertaking.

There exist different types of event stoles. Although these pieces of clothing are common in graduation ceremonies, they are also found in other settings. Sashes are also worn by contestants in a beauty pageant. Also, the pastors of the church use the scarves wherein a particular meaning is revealed depending on the color worn.

Scarves are, in addition, worn by the officials and representatives of a professional group in order to depict that they are one of the members of the organization. It is thus important to note that academic dresses have unique designs with inherent meanings. The design and symbolic meaning may vary from one department, school or institution to another.

These items are usually provided by many institutions to their graduates, although some purchase on their own. In case the institution does not provide one for you, ensure to inquire about the exact requirements, including recommendations on where to obtain one. Also, one can decide to customize theirs through adding some texts, color, and Greek letters.

Finally, before personalizing your stole, make sure that you have carefully analyzed the provisions of your institution concerning the same. In addition, try not to customize it beyond the extent required by the organization. Nevertheless, when provided with an oversize and undesired one, you can customize it into a unique, smart and desired measurement for you.

All in all, nothing is so convenient and satisfying than something that is tailored to your exact needs and requirements. It is thus important to have your event stole customized but ensure to remain within the extent to which you are permitted to do it. Otherwise, you risk acting in ultra-vires with the provisions of the institution concerned.

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