Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Pepsico & Marketing That Car Wraps Can Recognize

By Rebecca Mills

When talking about advertising, it seems like location is going to be focused on and understandably so. It seems like certain goods and services are able to present themselves better in certain locations, as long as they make sense. It's a complicated matter, to say the least, but it seems like PepsiCo has been able to attain a firm grasp on this. With that said, is it possible that PepsiCo's latest efforts can draw the attention of those who create car wraps, billboards, and other products meant for outdoor marketing?

According to the Drum, PepsiCo put forth marketing efforts, meant to target younger individuals, in order to draw people to convenience stores. In particular, PepsiCo took it upon itself to turn London StreetTalk kiosks into giant Lipton Peach Iced Tea bottles. While the idea itself is very strong, I believe what's even stronger is how well it can work in terms of execution. For those who do not know, the giant bottles in question were positioned outside of a convenience store so that bystanders would be likelier to purchase the aforementioned beverage.

One of the challenges associated with out-of-home marketing, from my perspective, is the idea of space. In one sense, you want to make sure that you have the space needed in order to present your message as prominently as possible. With that said, attaining too much space can run the risk of messages being saturated and, as a result, harming products in terms of sales. It's clear that awareness is needed for greater advertising but the idea of awareness in question is one that requires care.

As authorities the likes of JMR Graphics will tell you, out-of-home marketing is far different than other marketing methods. There is a greater focus on drawing in an audience, which is important when items like car wraps are utilized as well. Location is crucial and I believe that PepsiCo was able to not only recognize this point but put forth the best efforts based on it. As a result, it wouldn't be surprising to see a heightened degree of sales in terms of Lipton products.

As you can see, marketing - depending on the types of methods utilized - hinges on the idea of location and companies have to make it a point to focus on this particular aspect. PepsiCo clearly understood where its audience would be most drawn to and it was able to work effectively based on this. The inclusion of giant iced tea bottles did not hurt matters, either. In fact, the addition of such novelties can only spell greater things for the sales of PepsiCo products.

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