Saturday, November 18, 2017

What To Consider When Shopping For Succulents For Sale

By Melissa Taylor

If you want to add a touch of green to your home or office but do not have a lot of experience caring for plants you may want to consider a succulent. There are many types of succulents for sale. Knowing which types are best for your home and how to find healthy plants will help get your growing started as easily as possible. Here is what a smart buyer needs to know.

Many succulent varieties originated in dry, arid regions where rainfall may not happen on a regular basis. A succulent usually has thick, fleshy leaves. They have evolved these kinds of leaves so that they can store water. Cacti and Aloe Vera plants are two well known types of succulents.

If you look at a display of succulents they can be very interesting to look at. Some cacti will have spines or interesting growths on the leaves. These plants also come in a wide variety of colors and textures as well. They tend to be easy to care for as they do not need a lot of feeding and can handle dry soil for short periods of time as long as they do not completely dry out.

One thing that these plants tend to need more of is sunlight. While some can handle less light than others it is always a good thing to make sure you are putting your plants in a sunny location. Check the care instructions with any specimen you bring home to see what the specific needs are and don't be afraid to move a plant from place to place to make sure it is in a location where it will be happy.

These types of plants can handle periods of time where they do not receive water but you still do not want them to dry out. If you will be putting a plant in an office where you will be away for periods of time it may be a good idea to look for a variety that can handle more arid conditions. There is nothing worse than coming in to work and finding that your plant has died.

Keep in mind that some varieties can grow to be quite large given enough time. Knowing how large they will be when they are fully grown is a good idea. Larger plants can actually be easier to care for since they usually take longer to dry out completely. This can be helpful if you know you will not always be around to water them on a regular basis.

The health of the plant you choose is also important. A sick specimen might not do well even if you are caring for it properly and some may even infect other plants around them. Look for firm leaves that are not loose on the stem. Avoid specimens that have bugs on them and ones that have strange bumps or scars on the leaves as well.

Finding these plants is not difficult. They have become very popular and many stores sell them. Nurseries can be a great place to start but you can also find healthy varieties in grocery stores or some home improvement shops as well. If you do not find any that interest you it is also possible to buy succulents online and have them shipped to you. That way you will be able to choose from a wider variety than may be offered in stores near you.

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