Friday, November 14, 2014

Abcs Of Executive Search And Recruiting

By Christa Jarvis

Internal recruitment can begin within HR to identify and analyze issues. Employees, who should ideally incorporate a census of workers' skills, possibly immediately identify a person with the necessary qualifications for the position to be filled (executive search and recruiting). If HR cannot find the right person they immediately offer internal position will be brought to the attention of employees, in bulletin of organization, using the intranet of company, personally or even the process of word-of-mouth.

Precautions are taken to ensure that risks are minimized "social reproduction". This may indeed be the natural tendency of recruiters or their managers to consciously or unconsciously favor their profiles like (same school, sex, social origin, socio-economic or religious, etc.) and, probably to reduce uncertainty their choice.

Finally, by comparison with the internal recruitment, we can expect a decrease in friction between employees who are no longer competing for the position. The method may also involve a reduction in training costs, as the successful candidate will already have qualifications for employment.

External hiring is done using different methods, such as: by classifieds (press, radio, TV, or internet). Through the use of agencies and organizations hiring official or not, as in France, the employment center (formerly ANPE) and the houses of job or jobs Cap for the recruitment of persons recognized. By review of unsolicited applications (received in form of a letter and a CV by mail or internet (called "e-recruitment).

By direct contact with candidates at forums organized by schools or groups of companies. By appointment or sponsorship: we ask company employees to nominate candidates they know. By methods based on the simulation of professional situations where the goal is not to assess the skills based on a resume or in an interview, but in testing the abilities of a person acting in context of a professional status restored. (Developed by former method ANPE, and whose employment is widespread since 2005).

External recruitment can be made in whole or in part by internal organization. The company may also use a recruitment agency to delegate some or all of recruitment process. Depending on the mission entrusted by company and the expertise of firm selected, the methods may be different: It may be the simple replacement of a profile identical or upgrading or created position, which may require an organizational audit and the drafting of a function definition.

Once the mission is well defined, research mandate is entrusted to the firm that can use conventional methods (internet ad and / or release) or methods of direct and personalized search (called "head hunting" for very specific profiles: executives, professionals "sharp" or officers, or contexts involving strong confidentiality.

Depending on the nature of position and the hiring criteria determined, the HRM shall, in accordance with the operational manager, whether internal or external recruitment will be used. Internal recruitment favors internal mobility. He is filling the position by appointing a person who is already working in company. When possible, this method is often preferred by HRM because it has certain advantages. Internal recruitment is a low implementation cost, the recruit that way knows the business and is operating much faster (including if a trainee, temporary or external consultant). Wider internal recruitment allows, when practiced regularly, motivate people working for the company thaty can consider promotions and internal transfers. (Play social mobility).

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