Friday, May 10, 2019

Learn About Healthcare Merger Integration

By Mary Hamilton

In every decision, there will always be a few disadvantages and advantages. It will be up to the decision maker on how o balance their options for the betterment of themselves and those people around them. However, their decisions might affect the whole country. In this article, we will talk about the pros and cons of healthcare merger integration.

It would somehow be unbelievable when we keep on receiving free medications from free professional services. There will always be some sponsors behind the scenes. These sponsors will promote health care and use these experts to promote their brands. These medicines and vitamins were never free unless they were provided by public donations.

Some professionals and political parties have a corruptive intention and these needs to be stopped. These people are taking advantage on their power to manipulate their citizens. Their cognizance and knowledge led to destructive purposes and this should not be continued. For some reasons, their purposes seem to be for the benefit of the whole country but actually, it is not.

As responsible and concerned citizens of our country, we have to be vigilant and educated about these possibilities and faulty businesses. We are dealing with the welfare of our fellow countrymen. Therefore, we should never allow professional malpractices to rule over and defeat our main intentions. Some people are merely taking advantage of our dependence.

Even though it does not work like this all the time, but it usually would. We cannot escape ourselves from the temptations of money making unless we are too generous enough to give everything we have to our patients. To encourage more medicine graduates to pursue their courses, the government is in their favor. They provided these people more opportunities to earn more income.

These issues are not only occurring in clinics but also in big hospitals. Healthcare merging is occurring nowadays because hospital owners are afraid of experiencing bankruptcy symptoms. As a solution, they try to merge with other leading medical centers to ensure the security of their business. If not, then they will be totally threatened by the competitive market.

The authorities are mainly doing this for the purpose of protecting our economical stability and performance from being affected by their bankruptcy. We all know that one of the most expensive things we buy is medicines. Meaning to say, if these businesses will lose its operations, then the economy will be highly affected. They will not allow this to happen.

Even though their initial concern is to avoid bankruptcy, they soon will have faulty intentions. The government is allowing these merging transactions to continue the productivity of economy. However, some resulted to a lot of drawbacks. As responsible citizens, we must voice out our opinions about this issue.

These businesses and merging integrations have been evident in some countries already. These medical professionals have the intention to save their centers from bankruptcy. However, at the same time, they want to merge power with our centers to dominate among other competitors. This would reduce their ability to truly serve their patients.

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