Sunday, April 3, 2016

Acupuncture Without Needles And Other Cool Stuff

By Marie Baker

There are so many things the body does simultaneously that it overwhelms us to even think about it. There are also a multiple ways to influence how well our body works and how it behaves. Discussions on this topic can be infinite.

You have a higher potential of control over your body than you think. Flotation tanks are used to relieve stress, ice baths can be used to turbo charge fat loss, and acupuncture without needless is an easy way for the common man to directly stimulate pressure points he wants. Some simple examples are worth discussing here.

A good place to start is diet, namely the bodyfat set point. Most people are unaware but the body actually decides how much fat it should store and if this changes, the body goes to great lengths to bring it back. This is why people often find that when they go on a calorie restrictive diet they lose weight but it almost always comes back and can even get worst.

The fix for this however, is quite easy. The hormone responsible for this phenomena is Leptin. A master hormone in metabolism, leptin usually determines how effective other metabolic hormones can be. Trying to control your insulin with medication will be useless if one is not sensitive to leptin. Like other metabolic hormones, Insulin answers to leptin.

Re calibrating leptin sensitivity is fairly easy though, just consume around thirty grams of protein and large amounts of quality animal sourced saturated fats thirty minutes upon waking. Sources like eggs, butter, coconut oil, and beef have shown good effects. One must strive for highest quality sources of these foods.

Within a period of two to six weeks only making this adjustment, individuals experience rapid fat loss, increased libido, and more energy. Once you start to experience this, experts advise to go on a low carbohydrate, high fat diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, fermented vegetables, and resistant starch to get the best results. This diet has also been found to be the best way to maintain long term results.

Our control over our body does not end with diet. There are also skills we can develop that seem very implausible. Learning to stimulate acupressure points by yourself without needles using a special apparatus designed to penetrate deep into skin is a basic one. Other skills include training your stress response with heart rate variability so that you consciously know how to stop being nervous, and focus brain training to give yourself the ability to focus on anything you want at will.

Heart rate variability refers to the timing of the individual beats of out hearts. The more the interval of these beats differ, the healthier you are. One can now buy sensors that work with your smartphone to measure this and most applications can point out whether you are stressed. Though this you get real time feedback so you end up learning how to stop stress the second it shows up.

Focus is similar. Electrodes are attached to the prefrontal cortex and into a laptop with the program and on the screen you will see an airplane, if you are focused it will move forward if you are not it will move backwards. Again, another simple way to take what once was an unconscious process and turn it into a conscious one.

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