Tuesday, September 8, 2015

4 Reasons To Stop Smoking & Start Vaping

By Billy Genthner

There are plenty of haters out there who will tell you that vaping isn't a great alternative to smoking cigarettes. There are also thousands of people who can tell you that because of vaping, they have been able to quit smoking tobacco cigarettes entirely and that they even feel better after making the switch. If you are on the fence, here are a few reasons why you might consider dumping tobacco and enjoying wholesale e-cigarettes instead.

1. You Can Gradually Reduce The Nicotine Level

There are many ingredients in tobacco cigarettes, but it's the nicotine that gets us hooked. Generally a cigarette will contain anywhere from 8 mg up to perhaps 18 mg of nicotine, and there are no tobacco cigarettes available without nicotine. You can reduce a little, but not eliminate this addictive substance. However, when you use electronic cigarettes, it can be much easier to reduce and eliminate the nicotine. Most wholesale E-liquid flavors are available with different amounts of nicotine. So you can sample some flavors, select a few favorites and gradually work your way down to E-liquids with no nicotine. Often, just being able to hold the electronic cigarette and enjoy the sensation of vaping is enough to help you break the habit or at least sharply reduce your nicotine intake.

2. It's Not Just About Cutting Nicotine

There are very few ingredients in wholesale e-liquids. Obviously they contain either natural or perhaps artificial flavoring and you might also have nicotine. Aside from that, the two substances in your liquids will be vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol. The latter ingredient is used in a wide variety of food items and also can be found in some medications. It is approved as non-toxic by the U.S. Government. These are really the only ingredients you should see on your e-liquids label. On the flip side, if you continue to smoke tobacco products, you "enjoy" a host of ingredients. These include arsenic, cyanide, ammonia, formaldehyde and hundreds of other toxins; more than 40 of them have been shown to cause cancer. Switch to wholesale e-cigs and you immediately stop exposing your body (and other people) to these toxins.

3. You Are Safer In General

While you can debate the safety of smoking versus vaping all day, there are a few facts that are indisputable. Vaping does not produce second-hand smoke, only a fine mist; therefore you aren't spreading around the copious amounts of second-hand smoke that tobacco cigarettes produce. In addition, wholesale e-cigarettes are powered with a battery and the risk of causing a fire is extremely rare. Tobacco cigarettes, however, are responsible for the majority of household fires in the United States according to the National Fire Protection Association. In addition, forest fires and brush fires have been caused when a smoker tosses a lit cigarette on the ground.

4. The Savings Is Another Big Plus

If you are a smoker, then you are well-acquainted with the expense of cigarettes. A pack ranges in price based upon the brand and type you smoke, but they also vary by state. Different states tack on entirely different taxes on each pack of cigarettes, and if you live in a place where tobacco is a big industry (Virginia), you might spend about $6 per pack. Move to New York, and you'll pay more than double that amount. Either way, smokers who enjoy a pack-a-day habit can expect to spend anywhere from $2,000 up to more than $4,000 per year on smokes.

This is another reason to consider vaping, as the cost of using electronic cigarettes can be hundreds and hundreds of dollars less expensive every year. You will need to purchase equipment to get started, but that's a one-time cost. Wholesale E-liquids can be quite inexpensive when compared to regular cigarettes, and you can buy disposable cartridges or save a bit more and fill up your own re-usable cartridges. It pays to shop around, both to find great flavors and the best possible prices. Add it all up, and you will find that vaping, in general, can be a safer and more affordable option than continuing to smoke your tobacco cigarettes.

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