Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What You Need To Know About Company Asset Valuation

By Marissa Velazquez

It is important that company asset valuation is done before major transactions are undertaken in any business. The sale and purchase of items that are owned and controlled by the company are very important undertakings that require that you have vast information to come to decisions. The reason why you should carry out this procedure is so that you can know how much the asset in the transaction is worth so that you cannot overprice or under price it.

The best people for the job are external parties who are specialized in such. Internal valuers run the risk of being biased as they may produce results in favour of the business. This in turn, may invoke doubt in the other parties which may withdraw at the onset of such controversy. The external ones are very neutral.

For the valuer to come up with a good report, they have to be able to access all the important information that they need. This includes the purpose of the valuation, the historical background of the business cutting across all departments, and the financial and marketing records. They need all these to prepare a report that you can rely on to make any decision concerning the transaction.

There are various methods that can be used. You can decide to find out the net worth of a business by deducting the liabilities from the assets. Here, you have to consider both tangible and intangible assets in your calculations. It has been noted through experience, however, that valuing of intangible assets is a difficult task; hence the method is not overly efficient.

Information on the profits of the business and the returns on investment are very useful in calculating the net profits. As much as it is the most common method, some people have criticized it saying that the annual increase or decrease in profits or income are not taken into account. Therefore, considering that all the methods have their merits and demerits, it is wise that you use a combination of methods.

Assets are categorized into tangible and intangible assets. Tangible assets include current and non-current ones. In valuing current assets, information is extracted from the balance sheet as to the assets, liabilities and capital that occur to a company as at a certain time of the year. The stock at hand is the most useful piece of information.

Those that are considered as non-current assets are long term thus are expected to be used over a very long period of time exceeding a year. As they are used, they undergo wear and tear thus their value ends up being depreciated. Top find their current value, you should accumulated their depreciation value then deduct it from the original cost. All intangible assets are valued on the principle of return on investment.

Check to ensure that those who provide company asset valuation services are very well qualified for the job. You will be sure that the kind of feedback you are receiving is highly reliable thus you can use it in making your company decision. This is especially when the future of the business relies on such decisions.

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