Monday, January 6, 2014

Buying A Quilt Design Wall Hanger

By Harriett Crosby

When one has a beautiful item for hanging, a quilt design wall hanger is a perfect solution. It not only displays the item in an artistic manner but does not damage it in any way. Tabs do not have to be sewn on and no holes have to be made in the fabric.

Many wonderful designs are available at local and online stores. Browsing online is a helpful and easy way of comparing styles and prices. This enables you to select the perfect design to compliment your taste and decor style. For example, if you have a country style house, there are many beautiful items available with shelves, grooves for displaying plates and cut-outs like hearts.

Hangers work in several ways but many of them act as clamps. Two rails of wood are used and the object you want to hang is placed between these rails. Knobs are used for tightening and the heavier the object, the more knobs are required. These knobs are placed above the hanging so as not to damage it. A groove on the lower, inner edges of the rails means that the object hangs evenly, does not slip out easily and that pressure on the fabric is minimized. The hangers themselves are attached to the walls in various ways, keyhole slots being one of these.

There are many local and online stores supplying these items. It is easy to browse a number of sites in order to make comparisons of styles and prices before placing an order. When ordering you are offered a choice of sizes, styles, wood types and finishes. Some customization is also possible.

One can choose from many different woods such as maple, oak, pine, cherry and walnut. These may be sold unfinished, stained or painted. You may be wanting to paint the item yourself and if this is the case, woods like maple or pine are most suitable, offering a smooth finish.

The finish on the item is very important as you do not want one that will transfer to your hanging. There are suppliers who use lacquers for finishing that prevent any natural wood oils or stains from penetrating the fabric. Some recommend wrapping a piece of natural muslin around the top edge before clamping it to protect it from staining.

The length of a hanger needs to be at least the width of the hanging. Edges extending too far may cause sagging. A length that reaches at least the width and is an inch or two longer than the piece on each side looks acceptable. Standard sizes are offered but if you prefer a perfect fit a custom fit can be ordered if the standard size is unsuitable for your needs.

If you have a beautiful hanging to display but are unsure of how to hang it, consider using a quilt design wall hanger. This provides a secure way to hang it without any sagging, unevenness or unnecessary pressure on the fabric. Your beautiful artwork will not be damaged in any way and will create a great focus of interest on your wall.

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