Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What Is Code Of Conduct And What Does It Mean For Your Small Business?

By Franklin Skribbit

While the majority of women are not targets of rape and sexual harassment/assault, the number of victims is quite larger than most people would ordinarily believe. Statistics indicate that a rape happens somewhere in the United States every couple of minutes, with one out of every four women being the victim of a violent crime at some point in her life. Although nobody can predict exactly how to prevent this from happening in every circumstance, there are ways you can keep yourself better protected.

Within this company, also, ethics were not spelled out or even acknowledged, and no policies existed. This kind of company might seem like fun at first glance, but these same employees would probably not be able to understand the needs of the company because they were not explicitly stated.

One of the most common emotions shared by victims of sexual assault is disbelief. Feelings of shock can prevent you from taking action long enough for an assailant to establish complete control over you. Prevent this from happening by preparing yourself mentally for such a situation. The worst thing you can do is to think that such a thing could never happen to you, since this leaves you totally unprepared to deal with it. Simply take the time to think through what you would do if accosted by a stranger. The more you acknowledge that this might happen, the more you will be mentally prepared to react appropriately if it does.

When writing a code of conduct, it is important to keep in mind your company's mission statement, and the various expectations held by yourself, and the company at large. This code of conduct should serve as a tool to help employees understand, meet, and exceed the company's expectations.

Mentally preparing yourself for what you should do in case of an attack inevitably will lead you to forming a plan. If you need help figuring out how to best react in a potential rape situation, take a self-defense class.


Follow Your Intuition

Thus, these codes of conduct serve not only as a protection to the company and employer, but also to the employee themselves as they can use their adherence to its guidelines as a proof of their value to the company.


A well written code of conduct that focuses on the core values held by a company, allows employees and employers to feel comfortable within the framework of the corporation. And learning to create effective codes of conduct is important to effective management.

Use these steps to empower yourself and other women so that you can take the initiative in your lives. Share your experiences and line of thought with others. Ensure your workplace offers sexual harassment training. Accompany your female friends when you spend time together. As long as you make sure to take this seriously, you will help make this world a little safer.

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