Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Trust Deed Investing And What It Mean

By Leanne Goff

Just like any other investment in real estate, trust deed investing too requires collateral in form of a property. This process however involves three parties including the lender, borrower and a trustee unlike the traditional mortgages where only the borrower and lender are involved. It is the trustee who has the custody of the property till either the borrower completes the payment or defaults the payment. The property is returned to the owner in the former or sold and investor paid in the latter case.

An investor can either choose to directly make a loan or promissory note has already been issued. A document referred to as a deed of trust is the legal evidence that is used to show the existence of a loan and the property against which it is held. It has to be signed by a borrower and publicly recorded for it to be legally binding.

A promissory note is the document that indicates the promise by the borrower to repay the loan in accordance to the terms of agreement. In this document, such details as the interest rate, principal amount, the date of maturity, the frequencies of payments and remedies such as penalties the lender can resort to in case of a default are outlined.

The process of trust deed investment is easy with beginners finding it highly attractive. This has to do with the straight forward investment steps followed and the low risk associated with it. A prospective lender (investor) starts by selecting the best option from the available investments listed on the Browse Note section online. A simple form is then filled by the investor as an expression of interest.

For any prospective investor, there are a few simple steps to be followed after the fulfillment of all the necessary requirements. The investor has to show interest first by analyzing the available options, selecting the preferred ones and sign the required form against each option which acts as a statement of interest.

Investing in the trust deeds is a step by step easy process that begins by identification of the available opportunities. An investor will need to browse the available investments which are normally listed online on the Browse Note section. After reviewing all the available options with the accompanying details, the nest step is to book your space. Filling of a form on the investment page is all that is required.

The advantages accompanying this form of investment includes low risk level as there is a real property security and an opportunity to analyze and compare before investing. Minimal experience and attention is required and an investor can choose to diversify in the short and long term loans.

Trust deed investing offers very attractive current yield with most investor earning high single digit returns with other records over 10% monthly returns. The risk associated is very minimal in comparison to other investment opportunities. The major fault in this investment is that they are not liquid as investor cannot recover the investment whenever he feels like.

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