Thursday, April 19, 2018

TSA Horror Stories That Could Happen To You

By Martha Powell

Anyone who wants to travel somewhere likely will end up having to go by plane, and that means dealing with the agents of the Transportation Security Administration. Plenty of times, these individuals will be as friendly as they possibly can be while performing a security job that is of the utmost importance. There are always times, though, when dealing with a person in a position of authority and power that individuals will experience tsa horror stories, and luckily many have shared these stories so that they can be circulated and agents can be held more accountable for their actions.

It is unfortunate and disgusting that agents like these will target those who are least able to defend themselves. They do this because they know these people will be easy targets, and that there will be little to no retribution that will get back to the agent him or herself. The people who get targeted the most by far are women, the disabled, the elderly, and the young.

Seemingly simple things like knowing the contents of your pockets or knowing exactly how much cash you are carrying can play a big role in your experience with these agents. If they ask you these questions, they will want clear and direct answers. Failure to provide these answer might cause them to act aggressively.

Traveling on a plane, especially one that is many hours long, can be stressful and draining. Those who travel with young children know how much this stress can be compounded. When, after all that, a person is treated poorly by an agent, it can sometimes be the last straw.

It is common for there to be language barriers when traveling to different countries. This can lead to raised aggression for everyone involved. Without understanding what's going on, the traveler is often treated in a way that is less than human.

The unfortunate truth is that many young women who are particularly vulnerable will be targeted, mainly by male officers, and sexually harassed. These officers are never held accountable for their actions because being patted down often feels like sexual harassment. This makes it hard for cases to be legitimately reported.

If you have ever heard of an airport getting a bad reputation, it is often because the agents who work there are excessively gruff, rude, and generally unpleasant. There is little to nothing a person can do to avoid this if there aren't many airport options in the area. All that one can hope is repeated bad feedback will eventually get back to those in charge of the agency, and they will enforce stricter guidelines on how to treat people.

If you have been on a plane a number of times, chances are you have been spoken to by an agent with a raised voice. Sometimes this is to help make their orders clear in the crowded, noisy place, but other times it seems like an excessive use of vocal force. It sometimes does not take much to traumatize a person for life, and this can make people avoid flying whenever possible, which should be something the Transportation Security Administration takes into account.

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