Saturday, January 24, 2015

People Have Enjoyed The Benefits Of Frankincense Oil For Many Centuries

By Janine Hughes

Some beauty secrets go centuries back. Frankincense oil is a great product to use for ones skin care or anything else even relating to skin. It can be used on rashes, scrapes, burns and even infected sores. Many people are using it to help with premature aging as well as any skin that has been damaged by the environment.

It is an aromatic resin obtained from trees that are found in Africa and Asian, namely the Boswellia and B Carteri. The more common names for the Boswellia Serrata is the Indian Olibanum, Luban and Gond tree. The only parts that are used are from the bark and the resin which is obtained from the tree gum. The bark is a cooling and sweet tonic and is used for those that suffer from asthma and coughs. It is a natural antiseptic in nature and is an excellent source to be used as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

Ten years ago archaeologists discovered the world's oldest perfume in Cyprus. It is believed that they dated back to over four thousand years and they were found in an old building that spread over a distance of forty three thousand square feet. There they discovered funnels, mixing bowels as well as bottles with as many as sixty sills.

Each tree will start to make resin when they are about ten years old and tapping is done about three times each year. It is believed that the very first tapping produces the best tears as their aromatic contents are the highest. The Roman Catholic Church purchases their supply from Samolia where it is believed to be of the best quality.

For those that are finding the conventional medications getting more and more expensive people are now turning to using these in certain cases. Pulling a muscle can be very painful and when using drugs it can cause all sorts of different problems, with these oils it helps to alleviate the pain as well as leaving a very pleasant odour. It is a great way to increase ones energy levels as well as clearing up eczema.

It is believed that the aroma has an influence on the brain through the olfactory system. This is the sense of smell and it is proven that most mammals and reptiles have two different parts of this system. The most important one is the main olfactory system which detects airborne and explosive substances. The accessory olfactory system is more in tune with the liquid phase stimuli or pheromones.

To make mix the coconut oil, salt and clay in a bowl and adding water a little at a time work with a spoon until a cream is produced. Add the peppermint to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Store in a container and use a small amount for both adults and children.

The oil can be obtained over the internet or at the Young Living distillery in Oman. It is mostly used by those that are wishing to take their meditation and spiritual journey to another level. Generally the bottles come with 5ml in them and are unfortunately a bit difficult to find.

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