Thursday, March 27, 2014

How To Pass Your Online Class

By Darrel Jefferson

If you were to divide college into three basic parts it would be getting good grades, having a social life, and getting adequate sleep. During your college experience, you most likely are only able to choose two of the three options. But putting of your sleep during you school years can be absolutely detrimental. Below are a few reasons why sleep should be at the top of your list when you are writing down your most important priorities and how to get the most out of your sleep as well.

Your school experience can be filled with so many up and downs that it can be so difficult to try and stay consistent with anything.

Many people find it helpful to have a scheduler, notebooks, highlighters, binders, and other materials that are common in traditional classes. You will, after all, be working with textbooks, taking notes, and preparing assignments and papers.

From day one, make sure you know when all your assignments, quizzes, and tests are due. Have a schedule written down that will ensure you don't forget assignments or leave them to the last minute. If you are determined to do well, plan time each day to work on your online class. Once it becomes a solid part of your daily routine, the weight of your class hanging over your head will all but disappear.

What you eat plays a large part in your quality of sleep. When you eat greasy fast food and fatty junk food, your body doesn't feel as sharp or as quick as it would when it eats right. The same thing is when you sleep as well. Eating healthy helps you have better sleep as well. Not only is it good to eat healthy, but not eating right before you sleep as well helps your body to focus just on the sleep and not have to worry about digestion during the night.

That is, after all, the point of gaining an education! Right? The quality of your education will be determined by how seriously you take learning. You are paying good money for your online classes - don't let that investment go to waste!

Many online classes can be very interactive. Professors might hold online discussions, Google hangouts, or chats. Get involved. Your professor is there to help you learn. Take advantage of that. Professors appreciate students that get involved, and who knows - you may end up with a little extra credit or bonus hints for the upcoming quiz or test! More than anything - be responsible. All of the above mentioned tips are simply offshoots of this last principle. If you are responsible, you will know when assignments are due. You will keep on top of your work and turn things in on time. You will have studied and prepared well for tests and quizzes. You will succeed!

It doesn't matter if you are taking Business Administration, Accounting, or New Media Marketing. No matter what subject or level of difficulty your class is, you can pass with flying colors!

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